News Guides™ Top 10 Issues

Understand the Top Issues Facing our Country

Be an opinion leader, understand the top issues that affect you; be able to present your views clearly and evaluate possible solutions.


NewsGuides 139 pages

NewsGuidesTM Top 10 Issues provides a concise summary and background of the most important issues affecting the US. 139 pages.

NewsGuidesTM Top Issues emphasizes the ‘keys’ to the issue – the essential concepts that you need to know to understand the issue.  In 139 pages it covers the following issues:

  1. Slowing Down Global Climate Change
  2. The Transformation of the U.S. Energy Sector
  3. Preserving Forest and Ocean Eco-Systems
  4. Saving Social Security for Future Generations
  5. Reforming Healthcare
  6. Managing the National Debt Explosion
  7. Reducing Poverty and Improving Equity in Income and Wealth Distribution
  8. Reducing the Costs and Increasing the Benefits of Globalization
  9. Countering Terrorism Without Motivating It
  10. Solving Problems in a World of Pop Media

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